Release notes of Allure TestOps 4.x
Allure TestOps 5.x
For the release notes of Allure TestOps version 5.x, please refer to this page.
17 May 2024 — Allure TestOps 4.26.5
13 May 2024 — Allure TestOps 4.26.3 ( release 5.2.0)
24 April 2024 — Allure TestOps 4.26.1
23 April 2024 — Allure TestOps 4.26.0
This version requires PostgreSQL ver 15.
New Features
We've added the copy/paste feature for scenario steps inside a single scenario:
- to copy a full scenario step with child attachments enter the Select mode (press Esc)
- use standard copy shortcut for your operating system (Command + C / Ctrl + C)
- navigate to the place where you want to insert the copied step
- use standard paste shortcut for your operating system (Command + V / Ctrl + V)
Steps are copied with child steps (sub-steps) and child attachments.
- We've updated some single test case menu actions labels for better understanding of the respective actions.
- We've improved the behavior and design of widgets in the Dashboards section.
- We've altered the workflow for deleting attachments from action and shared steps in test scenario
- now when end user deletes an attachment, it remains in shared/action steps under Attachments tab
- to delete attachment completely, the end users need to explicitly delete such attachment from Attachments tab
- We've added the transferring of Allure TestOps meta-data to XRay when performing TMS sync operation.
- We've added item ID when suggesting list items for test cases relations dialogues.
- We've fixed the behavior led to 403/404 errors when end user tries to open a test case via direct link with reference to a deleted tree.
- We've updated YouTrack integration to support updated API for issues search.
- [4.26.1] We've added the ability to integrate with Yandex Tracker via IAM token.
- [4.26.3] We've fixed AWS KMS encryption in S3 client.
- [4.26.3] We've improved overall performance when rendering test cases scenarios and shared steps
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed the behavior forcing the lower case in the UI for workflow statuses which caused troubles when searching and displaying statuses in widgets.
- We've fixed the incorrect caching behavior when searching for test cases to add relations to test cases.
- We've fixed known vulnerabilities.
- [4.26.1] We've fixed the issue with pasting the content of the clipboard to the input fields inside test cases.
- [4.26.5] We've fixed the configuration of consumers for working with RabbitMQ.
- [4.26.5] We've fixed duplication when rendering the expected results in test cases.
08 April 2024 — Allure TestOps 4.25.1
04 April 2024 — Allure TestOps 4.25.0
This version requires PostgreSQL ver 15.
In release 4.25.0 we focused on improving user experience with manual test case scenarios, custom fields, and dashboards.
New Features
Text formatting in scenarios (UI and Markdown syntax)
- Now you can format text in test case scenarios, including shared steps and steps with expected result. To do that, select previously added text and apply formatting from the pop-up panel.
Available formatting includes Bold, Italic, Underlined, Strikethrough, Link, Code
and Text color.
You can also use Markdown syntax to format text in test scenarios and shared steps. The formatting is applied to the text in manual test case scenario in real time as you type.
Steps with expected result v2.0
- We’ve revised the concept of steps with expected result.
- Sections with actions and expected results now have a step-like structure within the test scenario. This allows adding attachments to both sections, as requested by many users.
Implementing new scenario structure improves manual testing experience:
Other versions of logical structures in test scenarios imply passing each step with a single result. With the new structure, if you have multiple expected results for one action, you can pass each of them separately.
Now it is easier to interact with the content of scenario sections: you can simply drag steps between sections to reorganize the test scenario.
Custom fields v2.0
- We’ve updated the design and mechanics of the custom fields.
- Now project owners can decide, which custom fields are used in each project and it’s test cases.
- When adding custom fields to test cases, end users will see a predefined list of custom fields added to the current project. This allows using only relevant sets of custom fields and simplify manual testing workflow.
In the Administration section, users with Admin role can view all custom fields available for Allure TestOps instance, create custom fields and manage custom fields in projects.
- We’ve updated the Custom fields section in the Project settings. Now custom field mappings are grouped by custom fields, and you can see the number of mappings set up for each custom field.
- We’ve added customized error messages to the sign-in page to improve sign-in experience and help resolving possible sign-in issues.
- We’ve improved the design for the Dashboards section and updated the appearance of widgets on default and custom dashboards.
- We’ve improved the drag-and-drop and resizing features for widgets and updated the widget menu.
- We’ve redesigned the histogram widgets to optimize the display and reading of the data.
- We added grid lines,
- updated the legend,
- and axis data points.
- We’ve updated the design of action buttons in the Test cases list header. New buttons are more intuitive and ease the search for action.
- We’ve added a dedicated Add step button in the test case scenario to simplify interactions with scenario editor.
- We’ve improved the behavior of the Test cases tree panel when reducing its width. Now when the panel reaches its minimum width, the test case names do not move to the next lines and you can use horizontal scroll to view the panel’s contents.
- We’ve updated the design of the shared steps to improve editing experience in the test case scenario.
- We’ve added descriptions for user roles shown when you invite users to Allure TestOps.
- We've improved the behaviour of attachments in test results while passing a manual test in a launch. Now the attachments do not steal the focus, i.e. if you passed a step which if followed by an attachment, from now on, focus will move to the next step, not to the attachment.
Bug Fixes
- We’ve fixed an issue with importing test cases from CSV files. Now the Split by field is empty by default, and steps are correctly imported without extra actions.
- We’ve fixed the test case scenario issue with moving focus between draft steps: when you add an attachment to a draft step, focus moves to the next draft step.
- We’ve fixed the incorrect behavior of the test case scenario steps when deleting and restoring test cases. The UI was creating empty steps in a loop. Now it's all working fine.
- We’ve fixed the test case scenario issue with adding tables where added table would disappear after being filled and added to a scenario step.
- We’ve fixed the issue with auto-close policy for launches, which was causing data loss in tests (lost attachemts) when uploading large amounts of test results.
- We’ve fixed a very frustrating issue when users with the Guest role were not able to add projects to Favorites. Well, now they can.
- We’ve fixed the default sorting (now the results are sorted by ID) of the results for API call for test cases search to avoid duplication of the returned results when no sorting option is provided by the end user.
- We’ve fixed a problem with the date picker not being displayed after reopening a modal window in launches search.
- We've fixed filters behaviour for test results tree in launches. Now filters suggest Custom Fields values only from current project.
- We’ve fixed a UI issue when the input field for editing of a test case name was being narrowed if test layer is present.
- [4.25.1] We’ve fixed unexpected closing of modal window in Chrome browser when adding custom fields to a project from the administration section.
- [4.25.1] We’ve fixed known vulnerabilities.
29 February 2024 — Allure TestOps 4.24.1
27 February 2024 — Allure TestOps 4.24.0
New Features
- We started working on the enhancements of collaboration features, and now there are few new things we've added.
- When several people are working on a test case, all changes made by all collaborators will be automatically rendered in the UI of a test case right after current user completes their change, e.g. you finalised the description of a step, you press escape to switch to selection mode, and UI will show all the changes available in the database.
- If you are trying to make changes to a step deleted by other collaborators, you'll receive an error message saying you need to refresh the page to see all changes.
- We’ve added the ability to search GitLab issues by ID when linking GitLab issues to test cases.
- We've made many UI/UX improvements making the work with new scenario even smoother.
- We enhanced detach automation feature, which is now not only works with new scenarios, but also allows the end users choosing the source of scenario, so you can use either Stored scenario or Scenario from test result to create scenarios in the target manual test.
- We've supported the test cases sync with third-party TMSs for the test cases with new scenario.
- We've supported test cases import from CSV files to the new scenarios.
- We've added usage statistics for shared steps, and you can see it without opening each shared step.
- We’ve added descriptions for all widgets to make working with widgets easier.
- We've enhanced the process of creating and duplicating widgets, now the focus will automatically move to the created widget.
- We’ve updated design of Pie Chart widgets.
- We’ve reworked the deletion dialogues for dashboards. Now, end users better understand the current action and its consequences.
- We've added tooltips for AQL usage in widgets, so end users could quickly find a reference for using AQLs.
- We’ve reworked the export to PDF files, and now we are using new way to render the data into PDF files.
- We've forbidden the editing of test cases in recipient project created via Allure TestOps to Allure TestOps (TMS to TMS) sync.
Bug Fixes
- We’ve fixed OOM error when working with TeamCity with many build configurations, now the integration correctly processes the responses from the TeamCity server.
- We've fixed the rendering of links when exporting data to PDF.
- We've fixed an error leading to the usage of the same attachment when cloning steps during the creation of a test case. Now when duplicating steps with attachment, new attachment is being created and linked to the clone.
- We’ve fixed minor UI issues and generally cleaned up the UI for working with scenario steps and widgets.
- We've fixed an alert triggered by UI when submitting text attachment edit form.
- We've disabled edit capability for the test cases in recipient project when synching two Allure TestOps projects.
- We've fixed doube filtering in some suggests fields.
- [4.24.1] We've fixed an error preventing reruns in launches via launch menu in the launches list and individual launch menu duue to selection of job ID instead of job-run ID when selecting a job run to rerun via UI.
25 December 2023 — Allure TestOps 4.23.3
13 December 2023 — Allure TestOps 4.23.2
8 December 2023 — Allure TestOps 4.23.0
If you migrate test cases to new scenarios, then it won't be possible to roll back to 4.22.x release.
New Features
- We've added very cool feature for manual testing – shared steps. Feature allows reusing parts of scenario steps sets, thus saving the time on creation of manual tests.
- We've added audit logging capability. The feature allows logging users' activities (create/edit/delete of various entities in Allure TestOps) to application log.
- [4.23.3] We've added a new feature allowing running a single test case from test case menu.
We've reworked UI and UX for working with manual scenarios.
- the entering edit mode does not require additional actions (there was a pencil button before the change)
- the edit process of the scenario does not require saving actions, all changes will be saved automatically as they've been performed
- working with the scenario allows you using drag'n'drop actions to move the steps across the scenario
- the attachments can be moved across the scenario steps
- we supported working with new scenarios for the integration with IDEs.
We've reworked the hot keys you can use in the UI when editing scenarios.
We've added the feature allowing to peek the password when entering or creating one in a password field, i.e. now it's possible to show/hide the password in appropriate field.
We've supported the usage of alternative database schema.
We've added the information on the manual QA engineer which passed a test to the test case and test result history.
We've changed the entry page for a project from the dashboards to the test cases section. So, when entering a project you will see your test cases right away.
We've added UI elements like tooltips to help end users better understanding of errors and incorrect elements in the UI forms
[4.23.2] We've supported bulk operation for cloning of test cases with new scenario.
[4.23.2] We've supported clone (duplicate) step operation for the test cases with new scenario.
- Now, you can use
Cmd + D
(MacOS) orCtrl + D
(Win or Linux) to create a copy of the current step. - Step needs to be selected to perform the operation, i.e. you need to exit the edit state by pressing
. - Action added to the context menu for steps.
- Now, you can use
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed errors related to automated tests when the full name of such test is longer than 255 chars.
- We've removed outdated test case issue export action triggered for Jira integration which was creating a considerable amount of events and logs records with no actual result.
- We've fixed an issue preventing the getting of full list of the pipelines from Bamboo when creating a new Job on Allure TestOps side.
- We've fixed a UI bug which was causing the blinking of the dashboards.
- We've fixed an error causing the deletion of a test result when a matched error category is deleted from the system.
- [4.23.2] We've fixed a bug preventing the correct deletion of collapsed child step or attachment.
- [4.23.3] We've fixed minor UI bugs related to the layouts and elements rendering Safari users faced.
- [4.23.3] We've fixed the integration Bitbucket related to the BB's endpoint setting which was preventing the correct execution of the calls towards BitBucket.
16 October 2023 — Allure TestOps 4.22.1x
27 September 2023 — Allure TestOps 4.22.0
New Features
- We've added clearer UI notifications and instructions for Allure TestOps administrators when a licence is exceeded.
- We've added the rendering of the expected results added in the release 4.20.0 to the PDF and CSV export
- for test cases export
- for the launches data export
- We've made improvement for the processing and rendering of big text attachments in the UI.
- [4.22.1] We've added web-hook log cleaner to prevent uncontrolled database tables growth.
- [4.22.1] We've optimised the object deletion operations for S3 usage case to decrease the workload of object storages.
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed a bug preventing the start of a test plan from the test plan edit form. Now, the Run button works as expected.
- We've fixed a bug preventing the update of the name for an attachment added from the clipboard in the attachment add form. Now, you can update the name of added file before saving.
- We've fixed a bug preventing the required reset of an issue creation form so the issue cannot be created due to the wrong set of cached parameters.
- We've fixed a bug preventing the attachment of files with non-latin characters in the names exceeding 41 character. Now, we've updated the flows and files can be saved successfully.
- We've fixed a bug with the stubborn delimiter character which was impossible to delete during the import of test cases from CSV files.
- We've fixed a bug preventing showing the issue information in Issues edit modal window.
- We've fixed the behaviour for the following of link leading directly to a test case.
- We've fixed the rendering of a test case attributes and scenarios, when test case is opened via direct link and user is not logged in. Now, all the attributes are rendered as expected.
- [4.22.1] We've fixed an issue that was allowing saving the data in Redis database without TTL data.
- [4.22.1] We've fixed a UI bug that was causing the loss of focus in the CSV import form.
31 August 2023 — Allure TestOps 4.21.0
The Allure TestOps 4.21.0 release includes important changes detailed below.
Roles update
State before 4.21.0
Before the release 4.21.0 there were following global user roles for the end users registered in Allure TestOps instance:
(this was used for backwards compatibility)
State after 4.21.0
After the release 4.21.0 there are following global user roles for the end users registered in Allure TestOps instance:
- ♻
, please update your configurations - ❌
is deprecated you need to useROLE_USER
for service accounts
Default roles in config files will support ROLE_AUDITOR
as deprecated, but it's highly recommended to update all entries of ROLE_AUDITOR
New Features
- We've fully reworked projects access control page in the project configuration (you need to be a project owner to see the changes).
- added filters by user project roles (see the global permission sets for the reference)
- added bulk actions on the currently added users and groups
- removed the option to downgrade the project access role of current user with project owner permissions (someone else with Owner status can remove it, but the current user can't), thus preventing human errors
- added notification about users with mixed roles (i.e. if a user has Read permissions and in the same Write permissions for a project)
- We've revived a feature which adds predefined set of environments based on existing Jobs parameters
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed issues with the Markdown editor resizing.
21 August 2023 — Allure TestOps 4.20.3
9 August 2023 — Allure TestOps 4.20.2
7 August 2023 — Allure TestOps 4.20.1
3 August 2023 — Allure TestOps 4.20.0
New Features
- We've added the drag-n-drop feature for steps in a test-cases scenarios.
- We've introduced expected results in scenario steps.
- We've added the "Issue create" action for the integration with GitHub as an issue tracker.
- We've reworked the pop-up menus for steps management in the test case scenario, it's now more intuitive and readable.
- [4.20.1] We've altered hot-keys for markdown editor (check the UI descriptions).
- [4.20.2] We've updated the icons for scenario context menus.
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed system behavior when creating/removing issue from test cases.
- We've fixed UI bug preventing the rendering of the most recent value in the edit form.
- We've fixed a bug preventing correct bulk deletion of custom fields.
- We've fixed minor UI bugs related to the rendering of markdown lists, and borders for markdown editor.
- We've fixed backend bug preventing the usage of AWS S3 with IAM-STS access.
- We've fixed the colors for "Outdated" status of test cases in the Overview > Test cases widget in the projects dashboards, now all default statuses have different colors.
- We've fixed UI bug preventing search by issue's title in the suggest when linking issues to test cases and launches.
- [4.20.1] We've fixed the processing of cucumber JSON files.
- [4.20.1] We've fixed a minor UI bug preventing comfortable drag'n'drop of steps in the scenario due to non-disappearing tooltip.
- [4.20.2] We've fixed the processing of cucumber JSON test results to process failed steps statuses correctly.
- [4.20.3] We've fixed a UI bug led to the reset of the issue links to the empty state in the links edit dialogue.
- [4.20.3] We've fixed a UI bug led to the reset of the launch name to the default placeholder value when editing a launch.
- [4.20.3] We've fixed scenario steps drag'n'drop in FireFox browser.
10 July 2023 — Allure TestOps 4.19.1
New Features
We've introduced new issue tracker integration with Wrike task tracker / project management tool.
We added an option to restrict non-admin users from the the projects creation in Allure TestOps instance. We also added a new section for this global permission and called it Global permissions.
- We've introduced the markdown editor. Now, everywhere where Allure TestOps expects markdown formatting you will see the simple and easy-to-understand editor which will help you with the test formatting.
- We've reworked the access groups management forms and workflows in the administration section of Allure TestOps
- We've added new workflows allowing the end users natively add attachments to all Test Cases' attributes supporting the Markdown formatting.
- We've added the feature allowing working with the content of the clipboard when adding Copying and pasting files to Markdown blocks via Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V (Command+C/Command+V in MacOS).
- We've added Add Link issue button to defect creation modal window. Now you can link an existing issue to a newly created defect without leaving the modal window. Check the image below.
- We've improved the Jira server integration forms elements.
- We've improved the rendering of test cases and test results steps (realigned some elements for better perception).
- We've reworked the selection of the members in the members list to allow selection across several pages.
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed the rendering of a newly created table in test cases attachments (the cols and rows number of created table now corresponds to the inputs provided by an end user)
- We've fixed Fix breadcrumbs behaviour in Test case Tree Map Chart widget
- We've fixed the error related to the reading of the status attribute for manual test cases and breaking the test result's layout due to that.
- We've fixed the project list suggestion in the TMS sync settings
- We’ve changed the behaviour of scenario steps expand and collapse state, and forced the toggle action only when toggle button (arrow) is clicked to avoid unexpected expand-collapse state toggle.
- We’ve fixed a bug preventing bulk global role update for the list of users with different roles
- We've improved words hyphenation in the notifications for better readability
- We’ve fixed a bug preventing the deletion of the test results scenarios from the database accordingly to the created cleanup rules
- We've fixed a UI bug preventing the rendering of borders when creating table attachments to test cases.
- We've fixed a bug preventing correct Job assignment when executing tests from test cases list.
- We've fixed a UI bug in Dashboards widgets
Last Launch pie chart
andLast Launch Trend (by launches)
preventing the saving of Launches AQL.
Configurations changes
Providing the protocol name before S3 endpoint became mandatory.
As it was
Before the change it was allowed to provide s3 endpoint URL like
in .env
or in values.yaml
or in the configuration files of services.
As it is now
The endpoint URL for S3 must contain the protocol in
If the endpoint won't contain the protocol part, application will fail to start with an exception
Unsatisfied dependency expressed through method 'asyncBlobStorage' parameter 1; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'blobStorageBackend'
15 June 2023 — Allure TestOps 4.18.1
12 June 2023 — Allure TestOps 4.18.0
Release 4.18.0+ requires update of the configuration: smtp server needs to be configured to enable user invitations functionality.
New Features
- We've introduced new members management workflows and user interface. The change is only visible for the administrators of Allure TestOps.
- We introduced Invites feature: Administrators now invite new users via email, and set the role for users before these users are registered in the system. Users confirm the invitation by following an invite link.
- We introduced user profile update feature for the Administrators.
- We introduced user filter (by role) and search (by name, username, email) features for the Administrators.
- We introduced bulk operations (mass role update, activation, deactivation, conversion to Guest account) on users for the Administrators.
- We updated the role name for Read only users in the system, now such role is called Guest (was ROLE_GUEST before).
- Administrators can control the status of the current invites, e.g. invite can be revoked.
More details on the update can be found in our blog and in the documentation pages related to user's profile, and the management of the members in Allure TestOps.
This new feature uses email as a transport to send out the invites for new users, so if you haven't yet configured the SMTP server for the passwords reset, you need to read this article on how to update existing deployment to start using new feature.
- We've added the support of new types of custom fields in YouTrack, so the creation of the issues from defects could create issues in YouTrack.
- We've fully reworked forms and forms elements for whole UI of Allure TestOps.
- We've supported Jira server 9 for XRay integration.
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed the error related to the update of markdown attachments when the preview was broken after the update of the markdown text.
- We've temporarily removed the capability of Jira plug-ins to create and link test cases via Jira UI introduced in the release 4.14.0. We'll take it back as soon as we fixed the security issues related to this feature.
- We've fixed the error resulting in collapsing of steps when it is not expected during the passing of the manual tests.
- We've fixed the issue with the deletion of single issue in the list of issues linked to a test case.
- We've fixed the errors in the filters with the selection of Test layers.
- We've fixed the rendering of file names for CSV test cases import.
- We've fixed the rendering of names for fields for CSV test cases import.
- We've fixed the UI bug preventing the users with Guest access to expand and collapse scenario execution groups (SetUp and TearDown blocks in the scenario).
- We've fixed the rendering of a status message (after a step resolution) during the passing of a test. Previously the message was only rendered only after final test status set. Now the resolution message is visible during the testing process.
- We've fixed a forms bug preventing adding different custom fields with the same value to a test case.
- [4.18.1] We've fixed a UI error preventing the rendering of test cases tree in test plans.
19 May 2023 — Allure TestOps 4.16.5
26 April 2023 — Allure TestOps 4.16.4
22 March 2023 — Allure TestOps 4.16.3
6 March 2023 — Allure TestOps 4.16.2
2 March 2023 — Allure TestOps 4.16.1
14 February 2023 — Allure TestOps 4.16.0
New Features
- We supported sending the information about the user started a Launch to CI as
environment variable in a pipeline. - We've supported issues creation for the integration with RedMine issue tracker.
- We've supported the export of links to CSV exports.
- We've updated all the strings related to AQL in the UI.
- We've made clearer in the UI, which integration needs to be used if you have Jira DC.
- We've fixed the test connection action for updated YouTrack issue tracker API.
- We've improved the performance of the test results processing.
- [4.16.2] We've supported custom endpoints for the integration with Yandex Tracker.
- [4.16.3] We've implemented strings trimming for the integrations parameters to avoid redundant spaces to be saved, thus avoiding possible integration errors.
- [4.16.5] We've supported Jira server 9 for XRay integration.
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed the search of the default branch for the integration with Gitlab for the cases when there is a plethora of branches created for a certain repo.
- We've fixed broken layout on the launches comparison page. Now the headers are in the place they must to be.
- We've fixed FE bug for
Test Cases Tree Map Chart
for tree switch action. - We've fixed couple of minor UI bugs.
- [4.16.1] We've fixed aws sdk known bug preventing the test results to be saved to S3 and resulting in 503 error during the upload process. The end users facing this issue when the access to the S3 endpoint is used without
. - [4.16.1] We've fixed an error occurring during the import of test cases from CSV files when files have empty last column. Now the issue is being correctly processed and the import does not fail.
- [4.16.2] We've fixed the API call for getting the project list for Azure integration. The error was causing sending enormous number of requests towards Azure DevOps.
- [4.16.2] We've fixed the creation of duplicates of the test cases in 3P TMS systems in case of incorrect AQL usage in the sync settings.
- [4.16.3] We've fixed signup via email issue causing the error 401 for an end user, when they are entering the signup information.
- [4.16.3] We've fixed a UI bug with incorrect recognition of
substring as an URL due to incorrect regular expression. - [4.16.4] We've fixed 414 error when updating markdown attachments.
- [4.16.4] We've temporarily removed the capability of Jira plug-ins to create and link test cases via Jira UI introduced in the release 4.14.0. We'll take it back as soon as we fixed the security issues related to this feature.
26 January 2023 — Allure TestOps 4.15.0
This release requires at least PostgreSQL 14 to be used.
New Features
- We've added the support of BitBucket cloud as CI.
- We've updated the view of licence expiration alerts, so it contains more useful information now.
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed minor UI bugs which were moving some of the UI elements in forms.
- We've fixed forms validation, so the forms now highlight the fields with unexpected data.
- We've restored the Back button for iframe items for the integration with Jira issue trackers.
- We've fixed marks on the filters selected items for iframe items for the integration with Jira issue trackers.
- We've fixed the access permissions for the end users with the authority
to use the controls for linking and creating the test cases actions in new Jira Issue trackers integration iframe. - We've fixed the layout for new Jira Server issue tracker for the situation when an end user is not logged in into Allure TestOps. The button for such users was not visible.
9 January 2023 — Allure TestOps 4.14.0
This release requires at least PostgreSQL 14 to be used.
New Features
- We've fully reworked the iframe used for the integrations with Jira issue trackers. Now MVP for the new iframe is available and more features to come. There still could be issues with the creation and linking of test cases form Jira UI when using Jira Cloud, to stay put we're going to fix it for you as well.
- We've added filtering and searching features to the new Jira integration iframe.
- We've added the descriptions of possible problems for the Jira plug-in for easier troubleshooting.
- We've added the section Links of a test case to the test case's PDF export.
- We've added the links to Allure TestOps test results from Zephyr Scale TMS when syncing the launches data with Zephyr Scale.
- We've improved the rendering of the IDs for launches in launches section of a project for long IDs (when the number of launched exceeds couple of millions).
- We've improved the TMS sync for TestRail, so now for the test run we are creating in TestRail based on Allure TestOps launch (sync operations), only the test cases participating in Allure TestOps' launch are added to resulting tests run in TR. Before this enhancement all available TR test cases were added to the test runs.
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed the blinking of lists when nothing happened and no page refresh required.
- We've fixed breaking of the PDF export on bad XML chars in the data being exported.
- We've fixed breaking of the PDF export for test cases without assigned status.
- We've fixed a minor but still annoying UI bug when the scroll bar was overlapping the launches IDs for the launches comparison feature.
- We've fixed the provisioning of Allure TestOps to Jenkins CI environment variables when the pipeline's execution is being triggered from Allure TestOps. Now, you can find the required information in CI console log as
. Cheers. - We've fixed the test case tree incorrect input styles after the login to Allure TestOps.
- We've fixed the overflow of long strings in the tooltips, string content was completely lost after the border of a tooltip. Now, the string is being wrapped by the tooltip's borders.
- We've fixed the integration with Azure pipelines after the Azure's API changes. Now, Allure TestOps sends the API calls towards Azure pipelines as it is expected and pipelines are triggered without errors.
- We've fixed the problem with Test connection action for the integration with older versions (older than 6.3) of Test Rail TMS.
1 January 2023 — Allure TestOps requires PostgreSQL version 14
As it was communicated earlier, starting from the 1st January 2023 we discontinued the support of PostgreSQL versions less than 14.
This means, we do not perform any Allure TestOps tests with PostgreSQL releases lower than 14, thus the startup, overall performance, expected workflows are not guaranteed on the releases less than PostgreSQL 14 for the new versions of Allure TestOps released after the 1st January 2023.
Before upgrading to a new Allure TestOps version released after the 1st January 2023, you need to upgrade your PostgreSQL server to the release 14.
7 December 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.13.0
New Features
- We've added support of user groups in external IAM using SAML2 for mapping to Allure TestOps' roles.
- We've added pulling of an end user's details from external IAM with SAML2, i.e. name, surname, email are now pulled from IAM and added to Allure TestOps database.
- We've improved the view of empty states list views.
- We've added the capability to pass the username of an Allure TestOps user initiated the build on Jenkins side via launch creation.
- We've added the capability of test key sync for Allure TestOps to Allure TestOps synchronisation.
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed 403 error for the project owners with
when creating a label mapping for bug tracker integrations. - We've fixed empty error message for CI integrations Test connection action.
- We've fixed error for the upload of the attachments with special characters in the file names for manual tests.
- We've fixed the upload test results for a job run in a launch.
- We've fixed the errors with the upload of test results for test cases with long (more that 255 chars) names when the upload data ploicy
name from_test_case
is applied. Now the test results are being processed as expected. - We've fixed the filter's error categories suggestion in a test results tree filter – now the suggestion includes the categories related to the current projects instead of global categories list.
- We've fixed the error category tooltip rendering, now the tooltip is shown right where it's expected.
- We've fixed the drop-down list in a user's profile.
25 November 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.12.0
Breaking changes
The release 4.12.0 requires the update of the configuration.
If the changes described below aren't applied, Allure TestOps will fail to start on all future releases.
has become a mandatory one for each Allure TestOps service.
Please read the following article to update your deployment
25 November 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.11.0
Breaking changes
The release 4.11.0 contains migrations in the database which won't allow to roll back to previous releases.
New Features
- We've added the capability of working with bearer token instead of username + password for Jira server integration.
- We've added the capability of working with bearer token instead of username + password for XRay on Jira Server integration.
- We've added the capability of working with bearer token instead of username + password for ZephyrScale on Jira Server integration.
- We've added the capability of working with bearer token instead of username + password for TeamCity CI integration.
- We've added the logging of requests and responses for the integrations for the troubleshooting purposes.
- We've improved the rendering of job runs in a launch overview tab – now the job runs are shown in descending order (from the most recent down to the oldest one).
- We've (finally, right) updated the loader (the moving logo you see when big amount of data is being loaded) icon. Now, it's fresh green and TestOpsy.
- We added the capability to delete the old PDF exports via API to admins and project owners.
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed an issue preventing defects' creation when added issue was immediately deleted from defect before the creation was finalised. The system was throwing error 500 and now defects' creation works as expected.
- We've fixed the widgets' layouts breaking on UTF-8 characters.
14 November 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.10.1
Do not deploy 4.10.0.
New Features
- We've added long awaited feature allowing the usage of Gitlab as an issue tracker part two – linking the test cases, launches, defects to existing issues. The feature requires adding
- We've updated the way the test cases are being synced to TestRail, now the nested steps are transferred to the expected results of a test case.
- We've supported new Bitbucket's API, so the integration is back online now.
- [4.10.1] We've improved the titles' alignment for test cases and test results.
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed the rendering of the tooltip for Upload new results for the project launches page.
- We've fixed the rendering of the projects list section – fixed the layout to hide the project list artifacts.
- We've fixed the test result's description/precondition/expectedResult html data storing in the DB.
- We've fixed the collapsing of the steps and attachments when clicking on a step action button.
- We've fixed the layout for the diff view for the launches comparison.
- We've fixed the launches automatic close policy.
- We've fixed the view of the test result container. Clicking on the retry tab was breaking the layout in a very funny way, so the further work was not possible, now this is fixed.
- We've fixed couple of pagination errors for different lists in the system.
- We've fixed the text overflow for very very very long launches names.
- We've fixed some API calls with pageable data, so now the pagination is working again.
- We've fixed the test case audit records for test layer updates.
- We've fixed analytics page useless re-rendering when no action was requested by an end user.
- We've fixed the adding of end user avatar, now the end users can add avatars again.
- [4.10.1] We've fixed the broken nested steps retrieval from the back end introduced in 4.10.0.
- [4.10.1] We've fixed the inconsistency between the users' passwords requirements on backend and frontend.
- [4.10.1] We've fixed some typos in UI descriptions.
- [4.10.1] We've fixed scenario steps expand/collapse behavior when clicking steps.
- [4.10.1] We've fixed the rendering of test result container to avoid the error with disappeared resolving buttons (Passed/Failed/Mute/Defect) introduced in 4.10.0.
We also updated the dependencies to avoid security issues.
25 October 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.9.2
18 October 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.9.1
17 October 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.9.0
New Features
- We've changed the way the test results scenarios are stored – now, the test results scenarios (steps) are stored in the database instead of the file system.
- [4.9.2] We've added support for service accounts for Tekton.
- [4.9.2] We've added support for PVC for Tekton.
- [4.9.2] We've updated typography in the UI.
Bug Fixes
- [4.9.1] We've fixed a bug preventing users with ROLE_ADMIN authorities from accessing of the projects' configuration parameters.
18 October 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.8.1
17 October 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.8.0
New Features
- We've started to modernise the end users' permissions in the system and we've added
permission. So, in combination withproject:read
, your analytics will be able to discuss the details of test cases without being able to alter the test cases. For more details see here.
- We've changed the way the creation date/time are rendered in the UI for the launches. Now, system renders absolute date and time in the UI instead of the relative time.
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed a bug preventing the linking of manual test cases and defects created based on a manual test result.
- We've fixed a minor UI bug preventing the displaying of an active step action button (three dots).
- We've removed unnecessary scrolls in the login layouts.
- We've fixed cursor style when hovering over clickable elements of a test case.
- [4.8.1] We've fixed a bug preventing users with ROLE_ADMIN authorities from accessing of the projects' configuration parameters.
10 October 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.7.3
06 October 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.7.2
02 October 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.7.1
27 September 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.7.0
New Features
- We've added a feature allowing the usage of groups to roles mapping for external IAM with OpenID.
- We've added capability for the deletion of a test's key in test cases. This will allow fixing problems in case several test keys were added to a test case from your test results. Linking is working properly only when there one to one relation added.
- We've added trimming of the input strings for a new user registration to avoid heading and tailing spaces in user data.
- We've fixed the rendering of control elements for the dark theme.
- We've added a new column for test cases export to CSV showing the automation status (true/false) of an exported test case.
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed the Unmute behaviour for a test result. Now, when unmuting the test result, the mute is being removed from a linked test case, test result becomes unmuted and the button's label now gets correct value.
- We've fixed a problem with tooltip rendering.
- We've fixed a UI issue with the position of a launch menu.
- We've fixed mistakenly disabled controls for the users with the authority AUDITOR.
- [4.7.1] We've fixed tables scrolling in the parameters of the test cases (was not possible before).
- [4.7.2] We've fixed typos in the UI elements.
- [4.7.2] We've fixed UI bugs in modal windows related to the tests execution (elements alignments, you probably haven't noticed it, but we did).
- [4.7.2] We've fixed integrations cards layout.
- [4.7.2] We've fixed an issue with the expanding of SetUp and TearDown sections of the tests results. Now you can click and these fellows will react as expected.
- [4.7.3] We've fixed and issue preventing access to attachments in SetUp/TearDown blocks of a test result.
8 September 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.6.5
7 September 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.6.4
5 September 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.6.3 — do not deploy this release, use 4.6.5 instead
1 September 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.6.2 — do not deploy this release, use 4.6.5 instead
26 August 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.6.1 — do not deploy this release, use 4.6.5 instead
23 August 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.6.0
New Features
- We've added the support of GitLab as a issue-tracking system, i.e. now you can create issues at GitLab right from Allure TestOps.
- We've added a new CI integration – AWS CodePipeline.
- [4.6.1] We've added the feature allowing the sync of logged user's information with openid identity provider. Now, the information will be retrieved by ATO Allure TestOps and shown in the user's profile and un administration section.
We've added support for mandatory radio buttons parameters for the issues creation on Jira side.
We've added a very cool feature of markdown attachments.
We've added the support of uri-list attachment type
We've made - wait for it - test cases tree unlocked by default. For those who knows.
[4.6.2] We've added the information on unassigned tests to the stats widgets in in the Overview tab of launches
[4.6.2] We've fixed the layout of widgets with lists when the layout was breaking due to very long list items.
[4.6.2] We've updated the styles for forms elements to improve UX.
[4.6.2] We've added the system ID for the test cases statuses used in the workflow. These could be used for the integration with 3P TMS systems.
[4.6.3] We've improved the work with the markdown attachments – max height is bigger now and markdown attachments are now expanded by default.
[4.6.4] We've made impossible creation of filters with no filter parameters as this is a default unfiltered state.
[4.6.5] We've fixed jira issue tracker integration problem preventing showing all test cases and launches linked to a Jira issue. Now, the plug-in shows whole paginated list again.
[4.6.5] We've improved the controls for the test cases bulk operation "Remove members". Now, it's clear for the end user that first they need to select the Role and only then the name.
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed a bug preventing copying the trace to the clipboard. For some reason the error message was copied instead of trace. Now, you get the trace if you want the trace.
- We've fixed test plan edit notification popup message. From now on, it contains the name of the edited test plan. Like for real.
- We've fixed an error preventing the creation of an issue on Jira side when Jira ticket had mandatory custom field with multi-select.
- We've fixed an error preventing the bulk operations on Defects. E.g. it wasn't possible to close a group of selected defects, and now you can do whatever is possible for them.
- We've fixed an error which was creating the duplicates of tests in case there was an error during the issue linking.
- We've fixed error 400 appearing when an end user was trying to link a test case or a launch to an issue at Azure issue tracker.
- We've fixed a problem preventing upload policy update and throwing the error 405. Now, the bug is fixed and upload policies could be updated.
- We've fixed a nullPointer exception when generating a launch's PDF report with test results in Unknown state.
- We've fixed the launch PDF report template, so now the report splits the information related to manual automated tests in two groups.
- We've fixed XRay export, now when 2 test keys are linked to a test case in Allure TestOps export will be ignored. We also added capability to delete redundant keys from a test case to prevent such situations.
- We've fixed a bug which was throwing 400 error code when an end user presses the back space button in an empty field of the filter area.
- [4.6.1] We've fixed project access settings bug, which was not allowing projects owners to see the Project settings button. Access to the settings was possible though.
- [4.6.1] We've fixed Yandex tracker integration to use oauth2 token for the authentication.
- [4.6.1] We've fixed the switching on/off of the optional test case sections. Allure TestOps was answering with the error 405, now it's all fixed and is working fine.
- [4.6.2] We've fixed an issue preventing the generation of launches' PDF reports in case there are empty steps in tests.
- [4.6.2] We've fixed the broken layout of the date picker in filters.
- [4.6.2] We've fixed bugs related to the pagination controls behaviour.
- [4.6.2] We've fixed unnecessary redirect when accessing the administration section.
- [4.6.2] We've fixed the workflow of moving of a test case from one project to another.
- [4.6.3] We've fixed the error preventing the project owners from deleting of the comments to test cases. Now, the project owners can enjoy deleting any comments.
- [4.6.3] We've fixed the error preventing the update of a test case when Bas filer field was empty. Now, the empty field is being processed correctly.
- [4.6.3] We've fixed the error preventing the end users with appropriate permissions from editing of custom fields values directly in the tree, i.e. it was not possible to rename a branch. Now, the issue is fixed.
- [4.6.3] We've fixed the error with the invocation of the test case's history modal dialogue. Now the modal is being invoked and end users can filter the history of a test case.
- [4.6.3] We've fixed the broken infinite scroll in the test case history after the update of a filter. Now, the infinite scroll is back.
- [4.6.3] We've fixed the filters' date picker layout.
- [4.6.3] We've fixed test case member delete operation error. Now, you won't see error 400 appearing on such an attempt.
- [4.6.3] We've fixed incorrectly active bulk actions button for read-only users in defects section.
- [4.6.4] We've fixed test cases creation for Zephyr Scale TMS integration.
- [4.6.4] We've fixed regression introduced in 4.6.1
- [4.6.5] We've fixed jira issue tracker integration preventing the end users' to understand if the login to Allure TestOps is required. It was infinite loading in the plugin's area instead of Login button.
- We've bumped the dependencies to prevent security issues.
5 August 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.5.0
New Features
We've added a very cool capability allowing to see the test cases and launches related information without leaving Jira issue tracker UI.
- We've dramatically enhanced the UX for webhooks settings in the global issue tracker configuration. Now, the end user will get the proper webhook string to be supplied on 3rd party issue tracker side as well as the capability to manage the webhooks.
- We've updated the modal windows layouts.
- We've added missing indexes in the DB.
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed the issue with the overlapping of the search results by the header.
- We've fixed the Top test cases widget issue when it wasn't possible to select the Duration metric.
- We've fixed broken test case layout after the deletion of an attachment (TypeError).
- We've fixed broken page layout on action of manual rerun of a test (TypeError).
- We've fixed the issue with the comments read permission (Error 403) for an end user with Read access to a project.
- We've fixed an issue related to the error message 'projectId' for method parameter type Long is present but converted to null in a couple of places when working with the integrations.
- We've fixed broken test result layout after the resolution of a test result was done.
- We've fixed error of validation of Live doc generation config which was affecting the LIve doc generation policy and launches automatic closing.
- We've fixed empty space appearing when the side bar is open.
27 July 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.4.3
21 July 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.4.2
18 July 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.4.1
13 July 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.4.0
New Features
- We've added the capability of creation of Jira subtasks from Allure TestOps.
- We've included additional attribute to CSV export – issues IDs from a test case.
- We've added the information on the total an displayed number of test cases after a filter is applied.
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed a bug that was allowing creation of duplicates for clean-up rules for the global configuration.
- We've fixed a UI bug which was causing incorrect displaying of configured Job parameters after one of the parameters was deleted.
- [4.4.1] We've fixed a minor UI bug in Dashboards' section which was cutting the name of the Overview tab.
- [4.4.1] We've fixed integrations migration bug, which was preventing successful migration of the credentials data from the release 3 to release 4 for some integrations.
- [4.4.1] We've fixed Tekton integration which was preventing the entering of endpoint data and token data.
- [4.4.2] We've fixed a bug with the generation of PDF reports for launches containing orphaned tests. It was being generated forever. Now, the report is being generated successfully.
- [4.4.2] We've fixed the Tekton integraiton's token usage.
- [4.4.2] We've fixed login page's labels. There was 2 labels Password. We don't know, how this has happened.
- [4.4.3] We've fixed breaking of test case layout after the deletion of an attachment from test case.
7 July 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.3.0
New Features
- We've added the integration with Yandex Tracker
- We've added capability to detach the automation from a test case, in other words, now, you can convert an automated test case to a manual test case.
- We've added the warning for manual test cases parameters limitation saying the number of combination is limited by 50.
- We've added labels alongside with the integrations IDs for issues schema settings as this information is required for setting up the integrations.
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed a bug preventing the creation of a Jira Cloud issue with mandatory assignee field.
- We've fixed a UI bug which was triggering scenario's steps to expand/collapse on step's text selection. Not anymore.
- We've fixed a UI bug introduced in 4.2 led to wrong displaying of main application side menu.
- We've fixed an issue with adding of the issues links for the integrations with third party TMS systems.
- We've fixed and issue preventing the rename of an attachment in test case's steps. Now end users can rename attachments in scanerio edit mode.
1 July 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.2.2
Please upgrade only to the latest release – 4.2.2
30 June 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.2.0
New Features
- We've added a new widget to a launch's overview page showing the current status of manual tests per an assignee, so you can track
- number of test cases assigned to a QA
- status of tests
- number of created defects
- number of muted test
- number of retries
- time spent on passing the tests
We've added (yeah, yeah, finally) Allure TestOps release information to user's menu.
We've updateddescriptions across the UI to make sections' aim clearer for the end users.
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed visual artifacts in breadcrumbs area. They won't bother the end users anymore.
- We've fixed launch export NPE for XRay integration for cases when there is no start timestamp data in the test results.
- We've fixed broken buttons for test plans execution on test plans page, so now it's possible to execute test plans.
- We've fixed hidden test results processing when merging launches. So, now, if you've hidden a test result in a launch and then merged the launch with another one, hidden test results won't be restored.
- We've allowed to all statuses values to be displayed in the filters area. Previously the number of statuses was limited by 10 and caused considerable inconvenience to the teams with big number of created statuses. Now, they'll have whole list.
- We've fixed a problem which was leading to creation of enormous number of test cases in 3P TMS when there was an interruption of a creation process (e.g. an exception during the export).
- [4.2.2] We've fixed an issue with scrolling of the side bar.
15 June 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.1.1
09 June 2022 — Allure TestOps 4.1.0
Please be reminded, PostgreSQL 12 is a min supported release of PostgreSQL to upgrade to Allure TestOps ver. 4.
You need to upgrade your PostgreSQL to at least 12th release before upgrading Allure TestOps to 4th release.
New Features
- We've fully reworked integrations on the global and project levels. Please follow this link to read how the renewed integrations work.
- We've added the licence history in Administration > License section
- We've reworked API related to test cases and test results. If you have any external tools integrated with Allure TestOps via API, you need to review all the integrations as there could be methods you've used, but which will be incompatible with the Release 4.0.0:
- go to ALLURE/swagger-ui.html
- check if the API methods you were using are still supported as implemented
- update your external apps accordingly.
- We've made Public projects read only for all users registered in Allure TestOps instance. Now, users need to have Owner or Write project roles for those projects to make changes. Earlier public projects were writable for all the registered users.
- We've added the integration with Tekton
- We've added the creation of issues on YouTrack side and added capability to supply the information about the defects to launches' comments in YouTrack.
- We've added the integration with TestRail as 3P TMS, so you can export the test cases from Allure TestOps to TestRail.
- We've added muted tests widgets to the Launch overview page.
- [4.1.0] We've added long awaited feature allowing the export of Test Cases to PDF document.
- [4.1.0] We've added processing of Allure Framework's
file received with the test results. The content of the file is now shown in a launch overview.
- We've significantly improved the UI's responsiveness.
- We've significantly improved the startup time of all the services.
- We've improved test plans section as follows:
- Test plans now can be sorted, sorting remains after the page refresh
- Test plan edit mode now has unified buttons
- Test cases list now has pagination.
- We've added new API method allowing only the system's administrator getting other users' info via API.
- We've added capability to remove the assignment for a manual test in an open launch via bulk actions. Now, you can explicitly mark the tests as unassigned if needed.
- We've added Jira user suggestion list and fixVersion field support for the issue creation workflow in Jira.
- We've added all the descriptions on how to get the credentials for the integrations to Allure TestOps UI.
- We've added S3 operations batch processing, i.e. now the S3 related operations will be executed in multiple threads which will improve the performance.
- We've enhanced a launch clone/copy functionality. Now, when cloning a launch, its name, tags and issues will be transferred to the target launch.
- We've renamed the Rerun button in a test result to match the actual action (Just in case, this button forces manual rerun of a test).
- We've improved the workflow for adding of new test cases into a launch. Now the workflow will be clear for the end user: latter will better understand what is selected and what test cases will be added to a launch.
- We've enhanced Retries widget for Launches overview pages, now you can see the status change for a test case.
- We've added a workaround to overcome the limitations on NetApp storages with files copy.
- [4.1.0] We've improved test case's members management modal dialogue
- [4.1.0] We've increased default timeouts for async responses, this fixed some problems with big attachments downloads cancelled due to these timeouts.
- [4.1.0] We've added test result description to launch PDF report.
- [4.1.0] We've updated TestRail integration with additional information – we explicitly stated the requirements related to the API version supported and added explanations on the actions to be performed on TR side for the integration to work.
- [4.1.0] We've added test cases block to PDF export of a launch.
- [4.1.0] We've added capability to use Project access token for the integration with GitLab.
- [4.1.0] We've removed the displaying the licence expiration alerts for end users without authority
. Now only users able to update the licence will see licence alerts. - [4.1.1] We've changed the processing of the parameters examples provided to a test case. Now, the latest received parameters will replace the parameters in a test case and these are no longer accumulated over all the launches.
- [4.1.1] We've changed the way for big text attachment displaying in the UI: big attachment are no longer rendered in the UI as it severely degrades the performance. Now, you need to download big files.
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed an error preventing the export to CSV of the test cases imported from other TMSs.
- We've fixed pagination settings reset after a user leaves the page. Now the pagination settings are saved and will comply with the parameters set by the end user.
- We've fixed an error with the searching of a job on GitLab side for the test run assignment.
- We've fixed a bug preventing the creation of a launch when the end user adds several links to the issues for the launch and switches tabs of launch creation modal window.
- We've fixed the API documentation (swagger-ui.html)
- We've fixed a bug which was breaking project's name in project's dashboard if the name contained square brackets.
- We've fixed a bug preventing the update of relations status on adding of new relations from test plan section.
- [4.1.0] We've fixed the test result's step duration tooltip colors to make text on the tooltip visible.
- [4.1.0] We've fixed a bug preventing the creation of a new tree in a project by a project owner.
- [4.1.0] We've fixed headers margins for modal windows.
- [4.1.0] We've fixed the spacing of control buttons in forms.
- [4.1.0] We've fixed a bug introduced in the release 4 when in a defect's linked test cases wrong information was displayed in TC status field.
- [4.1.0] We've fixed the job run information tooltip content displaying, it was not readable due to the missing spaces.
- [4.1.0] We've fixed the layout of launches for the launches IDs with 6+ digits when ID was overlapped by the name of its launch.
- [4.1.0] We've fixed a bug preventing the integration with issue trackers using Allure TestOps plug-in.
- [4.1.1] We've fixed breaking page layout in the Dashboards section in case there are many-many dashboards created.
- [4.1.1] We've fixed defects list update after a new defect creation. Now, the list is updated and newly created defects appear in the list without force refreshing by an end user.
- [4.1.1] We've fixed the integration with 3P TMS systems for test cases sync in case of duplicate test keys linked to single test case.
Allure TestOps ecosystem elements compatibility
Release 4.1.0 requires upgrading of the following tools from Allure TestOps ecosystem:
- Allure TestOps plug-in for Jira Server needs to be upgraded to the release 1.4.1
- Allure TestOps plug-in for Jira Cloud will be upgraded automatically by Atlassian
- Allure TestOps plug-in for IntelliJ IDEA needs to be upgraded to the release 3.17.0
Release 4.x requires usage of new configurations for all types of deployment
- Docker compose deployment requires new configuration files to be used. Deployment uses different images now, so this is very important update.
- Kubernetes deployment is rewritten from scratch, please use updated Helm chart.
- Deployment via packages is rewritten from scratch. Please use new instructions to deploy Allure TestOps: DEB, RPM.
Allure TestOps 3.x
For the release notes of Allure TestOps version 3.x, please refer to this page.