Test results upload from Bitbucket
You need to use allurectl to upload the test results of you tests from the Bitbucket CI. In this article we provide basic templates ensuring the expected work with Allure TestOps.
This chapter covers the following:
- Authentication of Bitbucket pipeline in Allure TestOps to upload the test results.
- Simple (very very simple) pipeline configuration to allow the understanding of the workflows involving
Authentication token
For a user on Allure TestOps side you need to create API token.
This API token will be used by allurectl for authentication on Allure TestOps server.
Log in to Allure TestOps with dedicated account you are going to use to upload test results. That could be your profile as well.
Click on your avatar and go to Your profile.
In the section API tokens click a green button that says Create.
Name your API token and click Submit. Always give meaningful names to all the configuration parameters.
Allure will randomly generate the token and show you in modal window.
Copy the token and save it in a safe place as it cannot be retrieved by Allure TestOps means.
Test results upload from Bitbucket
You need to read end-to-end the manual for allurectl. In vast majority of the use cases you need watch
routine to be used.
We recommend using the environment variables instead of the command line switches to configure allurectl, this approach allows having clearer command line.
Variables needed for allurectl
As per the description of allurectl these are the parameters to be specified:
- mandatory- defines the URL of Allure TestOps server, e.g.
- defines the URL of Allure TestOps server, e.g.
- mandatory- the API token used for the authentication
- mandatory- the system ID of a project where you are going to upload test results
- mandatory- template for the launch name
- mandatory- folder where allurectl should look for the test results
- optional- useful tags to be assigned to a created launch
In the next sections we'll explain where these are could be used.
ALLURE_ENDPOINT in the workspace vars
This is an option, not mandatory placement of this very variable
Usually, you have just one instance of Allure TestOps, this means this variable could be defined on a higher level of Bitbucket entities, for example in a workplace settings.
Use similar path and change {ORGNAME}
to the name of your organisation https://bitbucket.org/{ORGNAME}/workspace/settings/addon/admin/pipelines/account-variables
You can also use this variable alongside with the others in a pipeline (explained below).
Simple pipeline
The pipeline logic is described in bitbucket-pipelines.yml
file by default. We have no target to teach on how the Bitbucket pipelines need to be organised. We use a simplest possible scenario with custom pipeline.
Pipeline example
image: python:3.8
- variables:
default: ""
default: "bitbucket, pytest"
- step:
name: pytest tests
- /usr/local/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip
- pip install pytest allure-pytest
- wget https://github.com/allure-framework/allurectl/releases/latest/download/allurectl_linux_amd64 -O ./allurectl
- chmod +x ./allurectl
- ./allurectl watch -- pytest test --alluredir=${ALLURE_RESULTS}
- printenv
This part is mandatory for the integration with Allure TestOps as these need to be present in the whole pipeline context and we need to be able to redefine the values of these variables in the runtime of the pipeline.
- variables:
All the variables from the example need to be added to this very part.
Configure pipeline - Add variables
In previous sections we said, there are variables used by allurectl to send test results to Allure TestOps server.
can be added either to the workspace variables (see above), or it can be added the same way as the other two – on the pipeline configuration level. This is what we'll do now.
- Select Source section
- Click on
- Click Edit
- Then click Edit again
- You will see the Configure tab and Add variables settings you need to expand.
Add the following variables to the section you just opened
- not secured
- secured
- not secured
- not secured
We did not mention ALLURE_RESULTS
before, but this is a mandatory variable which needs to be visible globally and it won't be changed during the run-time, so it's better to add it here.
After the variables are added, close the window and now you can run your pipeline.
Collecting the information about tests environment
It is quite a rare situation when tests run without any parameters which define different conditions to run the tests. These conditions could be for instance:
- different hosts to run the tests on, e.g. QA server, staging server etc.
- different browsers to run the tests on for web UI tests.
- VCS branch to test changes before they appear in master branch.
When Allure TestOps collects this information, it will allow you starting the build jobs with the environment of your choice right from its UI.
Add environment variables to a pipeline on Bitbucket side
Env variables can be added to this section where we added vars needed for allurectl:
- variables:
Let's add the information on a browser we use and URL of our app under test.
Update the pipeline like this
- variables:
default: ""
default: "bitbucket, pytest"
default: "https://preprod.app.under.test"
default: "firefox"
The run pipeline command now will have the following modal dialogue
Setting up Allure TestOps to process environment variables from Bitbucket
allurectl sends whole set of environment variables from a pipeline to Allure TestOps. This data also includes added environment parameters.
Now, let's set up Allure TestOps project settings for this environments information processing.
- Proceed to the project settings
- Go to the Environment section
- Click Create
- Add env variable name (
) to Mapping key - Select global environment variable from the list (these are managed by Allure TestOps administrators)
- And Submit
Add other variables you've created, and run the build job from Bitbucket's UI again.
Any other variables will be added the same way.
Trigger pipelines from Allure TestOps
To trigger pipelines on a CI system (this relates to any CI system in general) you need to have a specific integration added on a) global level b) on the current project level. Then this integration will be used in a Job settings.
This section covers
- Integration recap.
- Job settings.
The process of the configuration of the integrations with external systems is described here.
Integration recap
- Create (get/generate/you name it) the secrets (credentials) on an external system to use their API.
- Add the required integration on Allure TestOps global level (you need to be an administrator or have an administrator nearby).
- Add the required integration on the project level and provide credentials (secrets) you got on the step 1.
Global level
You need to have
authority to configure Allure TestOps instance on the global level.
- Go to User menu > Administration > Integrations
- In the upper-right corner click Add integration
- Search for Bitbucket
- Click on the Bitbucket banner
- Provide the name of the integration
- URL of Bitbucket without
might be a good idea for the name
- URL of Bitbucket without
- Provide Bitbucket's URL to Endpoint field
- that'll be
- that'll be
- Finalise by clicking Add integration.
Next you'll see the following screen:
Here, you can test the connection (good idea!), update the parameters, or even delete the integration (which is bizarre considering you just added it).
Project level
On the level of a project you need to add the created integration to the project you work in, and provide the credentials (secrets) to authorize Allure TestOps to trigger the pipelines.
Bitbucket credentials
To integrate with Bitbucket we need a) user name b) Application password.
You can either use your account, or alternatively you can create a new service account (up to you).
- Go to the account configuration https://bitbucket.org/account/settings/
- Copy your username (under Bitbucket profile settings)
- Go to App passwords settings https://bitbucket.org/account/settings/app-passwords/
- Click Create app password
- Name the App password
- Provide the required permissions
- Account read (needed to test the connection)
- Issues > Write (if you are going to link the issues Bitbucket to Allure TestOps entities)
- Pipeline > Edit variables (to allow setting the values for the variables)
- Repositories > Read (to read pipeline file).
- Create the App password
- Copy the created password
Setup the integration in your Allure TestOps project
You need to be a project owner to configure these settings.
- Go to the project's settings.
- Go to the Integration section
- Locate the Bitbucket integration you want to add.
- Click Add integration.
- In the modal window enter the credentials – the username and App password we generated on the previous step.
- Test the connection
- Finalise the Integration settings by clicking on Add integration.
Now, we are ready to configure the Job.
Allure TestOps job settings
Job in Allure TestOps is an entity linked to a CI pipeline. The process of the test results upload is a job-run. All the parameters of a job-run are managed by Allure TestOps and CI plug-in (allurectl).
Pipeline has parameters (passed as env variables) which can be used to trigger a pipeline from Allure TestOps side. To do so, you need to finalise the settings for a Job and create an integration allowing you to trigger the jobs in a CI system.
To be able triggering the associated pipelines, you need to have the configured build server (just done on the previous step).
To start using a Job for creating Launches and triggering CI pipelines form Allure TestOps UI, you need to configure such a Job:
- Select correct CI server configured on Project level with correct access rights provided in CI.
- Mark the Job as available for running tests on it.
- Link the ENV variables received from the job to the global environment variables.
- Submit the changes.
As you can see, there are 2 special variables:
- Branch
- CustomName
on the left needs to be linked to same Branch on the right (Global env variable). In the middle you have the default branch value to run on.
does not need any matching variable on the right, but requires a default value to be set. This value is your custom pipeline name frombitbucket-pipelines.yml
Trigger a pipeline
Triggering of a pipeline (that'll create a launch in Allure TestOPs) can be done in the following sections of Allure TestOps:
- List of the test cases – select and use bulk operation Run.
- List of test results – select and use bulk operation ReRun.
- Test plans – Click Run button of a test plan.
- Jobs – Click Run button of a test Job.
All the said actions will result in the modal window with the parameters of a launch Allure TestOps creates for such actions.
Trigger a pipeline on an alternative environment
Alternative means, you want to use the parameters which differ from the ones used in a pipeline by default.
In the modal window showed above click Add environment
Set the required values for the Environment variables you need to alter, and click Save environment.
You can add several sets of the environments, in this case Allure TestOps will create several pipeline executions with different parameters' set and all of them will upload the test results in the same launch.