Users authentication with OpenID and KeyCloak
The instructions below are only valid for Allure TestOps 4.x.
Allure TestOps implements standard Spring Boot OpenId client.
To successfully configure and use OpenID with Keycloak you need to meet the following requirements.
- You need to have administrative access to KeyCloak or a Keycloak admin near you during the configuration process.
- You need the access to Allure TestOps configuration files.
- You need to be able to apply the changes in the configuration, which could require some downtime.
- Both KeyCloak and Allure TestOps need to use the same protocol for the communication, i.e. if one of the systems works behind HTTPS, then both systems need to work behind HTTPS, i.e. there must be something like reverse proxy that will allow using of HTTP between Allure TestOps and KeyCloak servers. Please consult your network administrator or DevOps to ensure proper configuration on the network side.
Integration of Allure TestOps and KeyCloak
Further examples will use fake addresses that in your case will differ.
Let's assume the following.
- Allure TestOps is deployed and accessible on http://allure.local
- KeyCloak is deployed and accessible on http://keycloak.local
What needs to be done assuming we need to sync KeyCloak groups with Allure TestOps global roles.
- Create a new realm on KeyCloak side (optional).
- Create OpenID client on KeyCloak side in the realm you are going to use (mandatory).
- Define realm roles and groups.
- Define client scopes.
- Add users and assign roles and groups.
- Perform the configuration on Allure TestOps side.
Setting up KeyCloak side
Optionally, create a new realm on KeyCloak
Create a new realm, if you want Allure TestOps uses to reside in a separate Realm.
Create new OpenID client for Allure TestOps
Allure TestOps will be a OpenID client for KeyCloak.
- Switch to the realm that is intended to work with Allure TestOps.
- Go to Clients section in KeyCloak UI and click Create client
- When creating a new client, set Valid Redirect URIs: http://allure.local/login/oauth2/code/keycloak
- Finalise the configuration by saving the newly created client's data.
Define realm roles and groups
This step is required if you want to sync KeyCloak's groups with Allure TestOps global roles, i.e. the members of a certain group in KeyCloak will get Allure TestOps global roles
.Allure TestOps syncs global roles with the groups on KeyCloak side.
On KeyCloak side, create two roles, one for the group of users who will be admins on Allure TestOps side and another for the group. In our example we'll use role and ato_admins
for the Allure TestOps users who supposed to be administrators (ROLE_ADMIN
) and ato_users
for those who are going to get a simple user role (ROLE_USER
- Go to Realm roles in the Realm where Allure TestOps is registered as OpenID client.
- Create 2 roles
- Go to Groups
- Create 2 groups
- Go to
setting Role mappings- add
role to the list of roles
- add
- Go to
setting Role mappings- add
role to the list of roles
- add
Now, we have 2 groups which have assigned roles.
Define client scopes
For the information about assigned groups for a certain user to be accessible for Allure TestOps, we need to add a new scope to Allure TestOps as OpenId client on KeyCloak side.
- Go to the Client scopes
- Click Create client scope
- Name the scope (we'll name the scope
for the sake of the example).- assign Default type to the scope being created.
- Check Include in the token scope as we need this information to be available for Allure TestOps in the access token (see below).
- Go to the settings of the created scope
- Switch to the Mappers tab
- Click Add mapper and in drop-down select from predefined mappers.
- Check a mapper called groups and make this scope to default one.
Check the content of access token
You can try to get the access token from KeyCloak. This exercise could be useful during the troubleshooting if anything goes south with the roles synching. So, for now, you can easily skip this step.
Allure TestOps will receive the access token form KeyCloak upon the successful authentication attempt. The access token will contain the information about the user that logs in to Allure TestOps using KeyCloak as an Identity provider (or IAM).
Execute the API call using curl or any other tool you are accustomed to.
USERNAME=name of any user registered in Keycloak for Allure TestOps OpenId
U_PASSWORD=password for the user above
RESPONSE=$(curl -X POST 'http://keycloak.local/realms/testops/protocol/openid-connect/token' \
--data-urlencode "client_id=${CLIENT_ID}" \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=password' \
--data-urlencode 'scope=openid' \
--data-urlencode "username=${USERNAME}" \
--data-urlencode "password=${U_PASSWORD}")
ACCESS_TOKEN=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq .access_token)
then you need to decode the received access token, e.g. using JWT debug tool.
Then perform formatting of the JSON content (we deleted content which has no interest for sake of clarity).
"exp": 1703517143,
"iat": 1703516843,
"jti": "62b7bd96-a982-4063-9c97-f12dbe1553f8",
"iss": "http://keycloak.local/realms/testops",
"typ": "Bearer",
"azp": "testops",
"acr": "1",
"scope": "openid profile email groups",
"sid": "043242d3-3c67-4ad7-8795-46c0df9f745e",
"email_verified": true,
"name": "Bugs Bunny",
"groups": [
"preferred_username": "bugsbunny",
"given_name": "Bugs",
"family_name": "Bunny",
"email": "[email protected]"
So, the scope groups contains the information on the group ato_admins
, it'll be used for the sync roles feature.
Add users and assign roles and groups
Now, you need to add KeyCloak users and distribute them between the appropriate groups to synch their groups in KeyClock with Allure TestOps global roles.You can skip this step, if you are going to manage the global roles in Allure TestOps.
Perform the configuration on Allure TestOps side
Configuring Allure TestOps for using KeyCloak with OpenId
Depending on selected deployment type the configuration need to be performed in different files and the names of the parameters will look a bit differently from end user perspective.
Below we describe the parameters for the officially supported deployments and the configuration parameters described in the deployment section.
Client configuration
For Kubernetes deployment you need to configure the integration with Azure via the variables in the
section of values.yaml file.
SPRING_SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_REGISTRATION_OIDC_REDIRECTURI: http://testops.local/login/oauth2/code/keycloak
If OpenId via Keycloak is supposed to be the default way of the authentication of the users in Allure TestOps, then parameter auth.primary
needs to be set to openid
primary: openid
From now on, the access by built-in admin needs to be done via URI http://allure.local/login/system
We highly recommend setting the default global role of the users logging in to Allure TestOps first time to ROLE_GUEST
, i.e. parameter defaultRole is to be set as
< ... some (many) lines are deleted for the OpenID context sake ...>
<removed for better clarity of example>
defaultRole: ROLE_GUEST
This approach will provide you better control over the licence consumption as ROLE_GUEST
does not provide any write rights in the system, and consumes no seat included to your licence.
Then, in allure.auth.oidc
section we need to configure the OpenId client as follows.
< ... some (many) lines are deleted for the OpenID context sake ...>
< ... some lines are deleted for the OpenID context sake ...>
enabled: true # <<< enable
name: KeyCloak # <<< Name of OpenId provider
id: testops # <<< Name of OpenId client as it's defined in KeyCloak
secret: bar # <<< Leave empty if client authentication is not used
redirectURI: http://testops.local/login/oauth2/code/keycloak # <<< Same as set in KeyCloak config
issuerURI: http://keycloak.local/realms/testops # <<< See the comment below
userNameAttribute: preferred_username # <<< As per your rules
scope: openid,email,profile # <<< Leave as it is
syncRoles: false # <<< Leave as it is if you manage Global Roles via Allure TestOps UI
roleAttribute: groups # As defined in client scopes
userGroupName: ato_users # <<< Group name for ROLE_USER
adminGroupName: ato_admins # <<< Group name for ROLE_ADMIN
will enable the OpenID client on Allure TestOps side
- name of OpenID provider (in this example, it's KeyCloak)
- the ID of OpenID client, we've set it as
- the ID of OpenID client, we've set it as
- Secret used to authenticate the OpenID client, it this example we did not enable the client authentication
- must be like http://testops.local/login/oauth2/code/keycloak
- see Getting issuer URI below
- username attribute as it's defined in your organisation
- you can leave as it is or use as it's defined in your organisation
Sync roles attributes will be explained in the next section.
Getting issuer URI
To get the URI for the parameter auth.oidc.issuerURI
proceed to KeyCloak section called Realm settings and in General tab find section Endpoints, then click on OpenID Endpoint Configuration. Link will open the page http://keycloak.local/realms/testops/.well-known/openid-configuration which in fact if a JSON file containing all endpoints for current Realm.
You need an endpoint called issuer, most likely it'll be first in the JSON.
Sync Roles configuration
Why do we need synching roles with KeyCloak?
Sync of the roles provides you better control over the licence consumption, and prevents end users getting unauthorised access to Allure TestOps projects and you can manage access to Allure TestOps using the features of your Identity Provider.
Sync roles configuration
- On KeyCloak side you need to have Roles and Groups configured.
- Groups must be present in client scopes
For the Kubernetes deployment all the setting need to be completed in the section allure.auth.oidc
of values.yaml
These are the settings for the OpenId section in values.yaml
< ... some (many) lines are deleted for the OpenID context clarity sake ...>
< ... some lines are deleted for the OpenID context clarity sake ...>
enabled: true
name: KeyCloak
id: testops
redirectURI: http://testops.local/login/oauth2/code/keycloak
issuerURI: http://keycloak.local/realms/testops
userNameAttribute: preferred_username
scope: openid,email,profile
# !!! We are setting following four parameters now !!!
syncRoles: true
roleAttribute: groups # As defined in client scopes
userGroupName: ato_users # <<< Group name for ROLE_USER
adminGroupName: ato_admins # <<< Group name for ROLE_ADMIN
For Allure TestOps to sync global roles with KeyCloak groups the following parameters need to be set.
- set to
- set to
- name of the context containing groups of the user being authenticated for OpenID client. We've discussed it here.
- group name with the KeyCloak users that must get Allure TestOps global role
- group name with the KeyCloak users that must get Allure TestOps global role
- group name with the KeyCloak users that must get Allure TestOps global role
- group name with the KeyCloak users that must get Allure TestOps global role