Migration from Allure TestOps 4.x to 5.x
The architecture of an Allure TestOps deployment was changed in the 5.x release. Migrating from 4.x to 5.x requires a few manual steps and will involve a downtime for your users.
The purpose of the migration described below is to merge data from the UAA service database into the report service database.
After successful merging:
- the resulting report service database will be used in Allure TestOps version 5.x;
- the UAA service database will no longer be used and can be deleted.
0. Prepare current Allure TestOps instance
Upgrade to the last release of version 4.x.x → 4.26.5
Before proceeding, you need to upgrade your current deployment to 4.26.5. Attempting to upgrade any other release directly to 5.x will brick your Allure TestOps deployment, and our support team will not be able to help you recover your data.
Follow the minor upgrade instructions for 4.x first if you are starting with an older release:
After the upgrade to 4.26.5, please make sure that Allure TestOps works fine without errors.
Make sure your database version is 15 or higher
Allure TestOps version 5.x will not start on PostgreSQL versions below 15.
Before updating Allure TestOps from version 4.26.5 to any release in version 5.x, make sure that your PostgreSQL server is upgraded to version 15 or higher.
1. Prepare new configuration file
With the migration to version 5.x, the architecture of Allure TestOps has changed — we have merged the gateway, UAA, and report services into a single service called testops. As a result, the configuration files to deploy Allure TestOps have been updated.
Download and edit new configuration file
Allure TestOps 5.x uses a new Helm Chart, hence a new values.yaml file which is incompatible with the one used for version 4.x. You need to create a new configuration from scratch using the new template and set all parameters you need in it. Most parameter have the same or similar effect as they did in 4.x, but some of them have different names and enclosing structure than in 4.x.
Prepare a new configuration file as follows:
Check the latest TGZ archive for the Helm Chart release.
Download the latest TGZ archive for the Helm Chart release:
When working on a Unix-like machine, use
command to download the archive:wget https://dl.qameta.io/artifactory/helm/testops/testops-<latest-release-number>.tgz
where instead of
use the version number of the latest TGZ archive, for example,5.10.2
.Alternatively, open this page and download the archive manually.
Extract the values.yaml file from the downloaded archive manually or using the command:
tar -xzvf testops-<latest-release-number>.tgz testops/values.yaml
where instead of
use the version number of the downloaded archive.Follow the Downloading and editing configuration file section to enter the required values in the values.yaml file for all attributes necessary to start the Allure TestOps instance.
Make sure you considered all possible differences between the Allure TestOps 4.x and 5.x configs.
Allure TestOps 5.x uses new configuration files for Docker Compose deployment which is incompatible with the one used for version 4.x. You need to create a new configuration from scratch using the new template and set all parameters you need in it. Most parameter have the same or similar effect as they did in 4.x, but some of them have different names.
Prepare new configuration files as follows:
Download the configuration files:
When working on a Unix-like machine, use either
to download the configuration files:wget https://dl.qameta.io/artifactory/bin/docker-compose/testops-docker-compose.zip -O testops-compose.zip && unzip testops-compose.zip -d "testops"
Alternatively, open this page and download the ZIP archive with all available templates manually.
Extract the configuration files.
Select the required config depending on the type of authentication you use (refer to the extracted README.md for more information about the configs).
Rename the env-example file of the selected config to .env.
Follow the Downloading and editing configuration files section to enter the required values in the .env file for all attributes necessary to start the Allure TestOps instance.
Do not edit the extracted docker-compose.yml file.
Make sure you considered all possible differences between the Allure TestOps 4.x and 5.x configs.
- Allure TestOps 5.x uses new paths for storing the configuration file (one configuration file for version 5.x instead of three files in version 4.x). Please refer to instructions for installing Allure TestOps using DEB and RPM packages.
The parameter names in version 5.x remain the same, but the set of parameters in the single service of Allure TestOps is different. You need to fill the values of the new configuration file based on the settings done for the services for version 4.x.
- Allure TestOps version 5.x no longer requires the usage of Consul service. It can be safely uninstalled alongside with the version 4.x of Allure TestOps.
Copy encryption key from old configuration file to new one
All sensitive integration data (credentials used for the integrations) is stored in the database in encrypted form. The sensitive data is encrypted using the AES algorithm, which requires an encryption key. This encryption key must be transferred from the configuration of version 4.x to the configuration of version 5.x. Otherwise, the integrations will stop working and you will need to re-enter all integration secrets.
- In the values.yaml file for the Kubernetes deployment of version 4.x, locate the
parameter and its value. You can find the value either in the values.yaml file or from the corresponding secret created for your deployment. - Use this value to configure the same parameter in the values.yaml file for Allure TestOps version 5.x:
# cryptoPass parameter is used to encrypt sensitive data (passwords, API tokens in the database)
# Come up with some phrase, then use Base64 encoding, and paste encoded value here.
# In this example we user phrase "This phrase must be kept in a dark dry place." and encoded it as Base64
# phrase mustn't be changed over time, otherwise your integrations would stop working and you will need to re-submit data
cryptoPass: <use the value of cryptoPass parameter from version 4.x here>
- In the .env file for the Docker Compose deployment of version 4.x, locate the
parameter and its value. - Use this value to configure the
parameter in the .env file for the Allure TestOps version 5.x deployment:
# Parameter is used for the encryption of the sensitive data in the database. Users' passwords,
# Integrations' secrets are encrypted using this password
# Update this parameter once before the deployment and do not change it. Keep it in a safe place.
TESTOPS_CRYPTO_PASSWORD=<use the value of ALLURE_CRYPTO_PASSWORD parameter from version 4.x here>
- In the /opt/allure-testops/report/conf/allure-report.conf file for the Linux packages deployment of version 4.x, locate the
parameter and its value. - Use this value to configure the same parameter in the /opt/testops/conf/testops.conf file for the Allure TestOps version 5.x deployment:
# Parameter is used for the encryption of the sensitive data in the database. Users' passwords,
# integrations' secrets are encrypted using this value.
# Update this parameter once before the deployment and do not change it. Keep it in a safe place.
ALLURE_CRYPTO_PASSWORD=<use the value of ALLURE_CRYPTO_PASSWORD parameter from version 4.x here>
2. Shut down 4.26.5 instance
Before proceeding, shut down the Allure TestOps 4.x instance to avoid any data corruption while working with the databases on the next step.
We recommend closing all launches and informing all your users about the upcoming maintenance period.
After running this command, all the Kubernetes deployments related to Allure TestOps will be deleted, and all the data inside them will be lost. It is assumed that no valuable information is stored in the deployments, as both the S3 storage and the PostgreSQL databases are expected to be deployed separately.
We strongly advise against using in-deployment persistent storage for production. The Qameta team does not provide support for upgrading such configurations.
To delete the instance, run this command:
helm delete allure-testops
To stop the instance, navigate to the Allure TestOps installation directory and run this command:
docker compose down
To stop the instance, run this command:
sudo systemctl stop allure-gateway allure-uaa allure-report
3. Merge databases
All actions described in this section are mandatory.
Allure TestOps 4.x used two PostgreSQL databases. Allure TestOps 5.x uses a single PostgreSQL database for both user management and test report data.
Before starting Allure TestOps 5.x, you need to migrate the existing data from the UAA service database to the report service database.
The commands below use the pg_dump and pg_restore command-line utilities, along with the following variables:
— your password for the UAA service database;password_of_report_db_user_here
— your password for the report service database;--host="db.example.com"
— your actual host address.
Back up databases
The way of creating of the database backup depends on your preference and internal procedures. If you are creating regular backups/snapshots of your databases, please create unplanned backup before continuing.
Create full dumps of report and UAA services databases
Create a full dump of the report service database:
# export the password for the database export PGPASSWORD='password_of_report_db_user_here' # create the database dump pg_dump --file=report-dump.sql \ --host="db.example.com" --port=5432 --username=report --dbname=report
Create a full dump of the UAA service database:
# export the password for the database export PGPASSWORD='password_of_uaa_db_user_here' # create the database dump pg_dump --file=uaa-dump.sql \ --host="db.example.com" --port=5432 --username=uaa --dbname=uaa
The resulting files report-dump.sql and uaa-dump.sql will not be used in the merging process. However, we recommend keeping them as a backup to simplify the recovery if something goes wrong.
Create partial dump of UAA service database
This dump will be used in the merging process.
Export the password for the UAA service database so
tool could use it:export PGPASSWORD='password_of_uaa_db_user_here'
Create a partial dump of the UAA service database:
@hint[warning] In the command below, you need to update database schema in switch
if you are using database schema different frompublic
. @end_hintPlease also make sure that you modified the arguments related to authentication. Removing or modifying other arguments may lead to a failed migration.
pg_dump --file=uaa_for_merge.dump \ --host="db.example.com" --username=uaa --role=uaa --dbname="uaa" \ --schema="public" \ --exclude-table-data="databasechangelog" \ --exclude-table-data="databasechangeloglock" \ --exclude-table-data="shedlock" \ --format=c --blobs --encoding=UTF8 --compress=9 \ --no-owner --no-privileges --no-comments --verbose
Note that the command will produce an extensive log output. Make sure that there are no error messages in the output.
Import partial dump of UAA service database to the report service database
In this step, we are going to load the partial dump created in the previous step into the report service database, as follows:
Export the password for the report service database so
tool could use it:export PGPASSWORD='password_of_report_db_user_here'
Restore the UAA service database partial dump created in the previous step to report service database:
@hint[warning] In the example below, you need to update database schema in switch
if you are using database schema different frompublic
. @end_hintpg_restore --host="db.example.com" \ --username="report" --role="report" --dbname="report" \ --no-owner --no-privileges --verbose \ --schema "public" \ "uaa_for_merge.dump"
Note that the command will produce an extensive log output. Make sure that there are no error messages in the output, except for minor ones:
function "now_epoch_mills" already exists
;relation "databasechangelog" already exists
;relation "databasechangeloglock" already exists
;multiple primary keys for table "databasechangeloglock" are not allowed
;- errors related to the availability of
If any other error occur on this stage, please consult support team before proceeding any further (select the “Urgent” priority when creating a ticket).
Insert UAA database service changelog to resulting report service database
This step cannot be omitted.
Download the file insert_to_changelog.sql (the changelog for the UAA service database) and run it for the resulting report service database as follows:
Export the password for the report service database so
tool could use it:export PGPASSWORD='password_of_report_db_user_here'
Import the UAA service database changelog into the resulting report service database:
psql --file="insert_to_changelog.sql" \ --host="db.example.com" --port=5432 --username=report --dbname=report
4. Start 5.x instance
Configure database connection
The database for Allure TestOps version 5.x will be the resulting report service database we got in the previous steps.
After completing migration, each Allure TestOps instance user should clear the cache and cookies in all browsers. This is necessary to ensure that data from the previous version of Allure TestOps do not prevent the updated version from working correctly. See Knowledge Base for more details.
To start Allure TestOps 5.x, follow the standard instructions from Installing the chart and Deploying the application.
To start the instance, navigate to the Allure TestOps installation directory and run this command:
docker compose up -d
To start the instance, run this command:
sudo systemctl start testops