Creating a project
The first thing you need to do before you can start working with test cases in Allure TestOps is to create a project.
A project is like a folder that holds all your test cases and related data (such as test results, CI integrations, test plans and suites, etc.).
Creating a project
Any team member in Allure TestOps may create their own projects.
Open your Allure TestOps instance and click the Create new project button in the top right corner.
In the dialog that appears, enter the Name of your project. Optionally, specify a two-letters Abbreviation and a Description.
You can use the Description to keep notes, such as links to the related settings in other tools your team uses.
If you want to make the project viewable to all users of your instance, check the Public box. A user will still need to be granted an explicit write access in order to make changes (i.e., create and run test cases).
Click Submit.
Adding collaborators
When you create a project, you become its owner, so that you can manage all the settings of the project. As such, you can grant access to other team members, including other owners.
If a user is not yet registered in Allure TestOps, ask your instance's administrator to create an account for them.
Go to Project settings → Access.
In the top right, click Add collaborator.
In the dialog that appears, select a new collaborator and select the appropriate access level: Read, Write, or Owner.
Click Submit.
What's next?
- Run a manual test case by describing a sequence of actions for a QA engineer to perform.
- Run an automated test case by uploading test results to Allure TestOps via the web interface or a CI integration.
- Create a combined launch by running manual and automated tests together.
- View the test results in Launch Overview and Dashboards.