Allure TestOps UI briefly
Home page
Project list
The Allure TestOps home page contains the list of available projects with three viewing modes:
- My projects — the projects that were created by you.
- Favorites — the projects that you marked by clicking a star next to their names.
- All projects — all public projects and the private projects you have access to.
For each project in the list, the number of manual tests, automated tests, and launches are displayed.
Instance navigation
In the upper-left corner of the screen, the breadcrumb navigation of the Allure TestOps instance is located. On the home page, the breadcrumb navigation consists of two parts:
- Allure TestOps logo — click to return to the home page from any section.
- All projects — click to view the list of favorite projects or go to the Administration section (if you have the administrator role).
In the upper-right corner of the screen, you will find:
- the Docs button which links to;
- the menu of the current user. Click your avatar to access:
- user profile;
- information about the Allure TestOps version installed on the instance;
- the Sign out button.
Project is the highest level grouping for your tests related to some product or its part.
Project navigation
The breadcrumb navigation within a project consists of three parts:
- Allure TestOps logo — click to return to the home page from any section.
- Name of the current project — click to view the list of favorite projects, go to the home page with all available projects, or go to the Administration section (if you have the administrator role).
- Name of the current section — click to view a list of all project sections (duplicates the sidebar functionality).
The sidebar on the left contains the following sections:
- Dashboards — widgets that can show both the current state of your project and various trends.
- Test cases — all test cases related to the project: both manual and automated, grouped and sorted by the user.
- Shared steps — reusable steps that can be included in test case scenarios.
- Test plans — lists of test cases aggregated by a project member, aggregation could be done based on the need or logic (smoke tests for example).
- Launches — information about test runs, all errors and failures, test steps.
- Defects — information about the defects you found during the test results analysis. You can manage the defects and link them to issue trackers.
- Jobs — configured methods for running automated tests.
- Settings — project management, parameter mapping settings, management of test results storage time, etc.
To collapse the sidebar, use one of the following methods:
- Click the right border of the sidebar.
- In the breadcrumb navigation, click the name of the current section and turn off the sidebar switch.
You can expand the sidebar using the same methods.